About Tess Evans
ACR ® Dip. Con. (London) MSc FIIC
Tess completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Textile Conservation and a three-year apprenticeship in Tapestry Conservation at the Textile Conservation Centre, London (1984) and went on to become Deputy Head of the Textile Conservation Centre Tapestry Department for three years, before moving in Australia in 1987.
She has worked primarily in private practice in Australia and Internationally, establishing Heights Heritage Conservation in 2005 where she is the Principal and Senior Conservator.
In 2011, Tess began a two-year sabbatical in UK where she received an MSc with Merit in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester, for her dissertation on biodeterioration of cultural materials, whilst lecturing for the BA Conservation course at Camberwell College of Art. Her research has continued into exploring viable options for the remediation of mould from cultural heritage.
Tess completed her accreditation with the Institute of Conservation (ICON) and has subsequently been ACR and PACR Review Reader for ICON since 2017.
Tess became a Professional Member of AICCM in 2012 and was named their Conservator of the Year in 2015 for her work on the ‘Costumes from the Golden Age of Hollywood’ exhibition for the Museum of Brisbane. She became the coordinator of the Textile Special Interest Group in 2016 and is currently planning the national textile symposium.
Tess was elected to a fellowship at the International Institute for Conservation in 2018.